In 2019, Telford & Wrekin Council declared a climate emergency. It is now working, along with partners, to go carbon neutral by 2030

There are a number of national and international campaigns and events taking place this year to promote climate change, the environment and sustainability.  You can get involved by taking part, observing and sharing with others.  Together we can all help to make a difference.

If you plan to run a local event and would like to share the details with us please email

We may even join you!

January 2021


Launched in the UK in January 2014, Veganuary is a registered charity (1168566) that encourages people to try vegan for January.

Veganuary is dedicated to changing public attitudes, while providing information and practical support. 

Further details can be found at

January 11 –

January 17

Houseplant Week UK 2021

Indoor plants make our homes look great and also have health benefits, helping to lift our moods during the darker nights and improve the air we breathe.

Further details can be found at Houseplant Week UK - David Domoney

Get inspired with creative ways to recycle household items in the garden https:

January 18 –

January 24

Big Energy Saving Week

Big Energy Saving Winter is a national campaign which runs from November to the end of January to help people cut their energy bills and get the financial support they are entitled to.

We all have the power to save energy, money and the environment through everyday actions. Simple changes such as switching energy supplier or tariff, accessing discounts or grants, and making homes more energy-efficient can make a big difference.

Visit to find out more.

January 29 -

January 31

Big Garden Birdwatch

Enjoy an hour with nature and discover the wildlife on your doorstep.  Join thousands of people taking part to see the drama unfold on your doorstep



February 2



World Wetlands Day

The 2021 campaign highlights the contribution of wetlands to the quantity and quality of freshwater on our planet. Water and wetlands are connected in an inseparable co-existence that is vital to life, our wellbeing and the health of our planet.

Further details can be found at

February 14 –

February 20

Random Acts of Kindness Week

‘Kindness is the ability to know what the right thing to do is and having the courage to do it’

Get inspired to make kindness the norm – at school, at home, in the community, at work and for the environment.


February 22 –

March 7

Fairtrade Fortnight

Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 will highlight the growing challenges that climate change brings to farmers and workers in the communities Fairtrade works with. 

To get involved visit: Fairtrade Fortnight | Fairtrade Foundation

March 1 –

March 7

Food Waste Action Week

Wasted food contributes to 8-10 per cent of total man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and roughly one third of food produced around the world is wasted.  WRAP will trailblaze a new week of action in March 2021 to raise awareness of the environmental consequences of wasting food.

Visit to find out how you can achieve economic benefits and resource efficiency.

March 18

Global Recycling Day

Every year, the Earth yields billions of tons of natural resources and at some point, in the not too distant future, it will run out. 

That’s why we must think again about what we throw away –seeing not waste, but opportunity.

To learn more visit:

March 21

International Day of Forests

The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 March the International Day of Forests in 2012.

The Day celebrates and raises awareness of the importance of all types of forests to encourage activities involving forests and trees such as tree planting campaigns.

March 22

World Water Day

What does water mean to you?  Join the conversation and share your views. Your voice will help shape the World Water Day 2021 campaign and will inform a report about the importance of water.

To take part visit

March 23

World Meteorological Day

World Meteorological Day takes place every year on 23 March and commemorates the coming into force on 23 March 1950 of the Convention establishing the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO)

The Met Office is the national meteorological service for the UK providing critical weather services and world-leading climate science

March 27

Earth Hour

Earth Hour, every year at 8.30 pm on the last Saturday of March, aims to increase awareness and spark global conversations on protecting nature not only to combat the climate crisis, but to ensure own healthy, happiness, prosperity and even survival.  To find out why 2021 is a special year for Earth Hour visit


April 2

Walk to Work Day

Leave your car at home and Walk to Work Day helps you reduce carbon emissions, add some healthy movement to your day and generally appreciate the world around you to reconnect with the environment.

Give it a go: set the car keys down, set the alarm early, pack yourself a breakfast to eat on the go and plot your route.

April 19  -

April 30

The Big Pedal (Bike to School Week)

Organised by Sustrans, The Big Pedal is the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking and scooting challenge.  It inspires hundreds of pupils, staff and parents to choose human power for their journey to school.

Keep a check for 2021’s challenge

April 22

Earth Day 2021

Earth Day is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world, marked by more than a billion people every year as a day of action to change human behaviour and create global, national and local policy changes

May 1 –

May 31

National Walking Month

During National Walking Month, Living Streets encourages people to put their best foot forward and discover the benefits of walking either for their commute to work or for leisure

May 8

World Fair Trade Day

World Fair Trade Day is a global celebration on the second Saturday of May.  The purpose is to showcase the small-scale producers at the heart of the fair trade movement and the contributions they make to healthy and sustainable communities around the world.  Visit World Fair Trade Organization | Home of Fair Trade Enterprises (

May 17 –

May 21

Walk to School Week

A national event to raise awareness of the health benefits of walking to and from school

May 28 -

June 13

Great British Spring Clean

Whether you pledge just half an hour of your time or you go out day after day to keep your local streets, parks and beaches clean you can take part and litter pick.  For details and guidance visit

May 29 –

June 6

National Children’s Gardening Week

Celebrating the fun that gardens hold for kids.  Children, parents, grandparents, schools or garden businesses can find ideas for fun garden projects and activities at

May 30 -

June 5

Bike Week

Delivered by Cycling UK, this is an annual celebration to showcase cycling.  Cycling remains a great way to keep fit and improve so many aspects of your life.  Find out more at

June 5

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is celebrated on 5 June every year and is the United Nations' vehicle for encouraging awareness and action for the protection of the environment.  For details of this year's event visit

June 7 -

June 13

National Growing for Wellbeing Week

The next Growing for Wellbeing Week will take place on 7th - 13th June 2021.  Set up by Life at No27, the week is a celebration of the magic that growing your own produce can do for your wellbeing, both physically and mentally.

The Growing for Wellbeing pack will be FREE to download during the week and it is suitable for schools, nurseries, colleges, youth clubs, businesses and care homes.  The pack contains really fun and easy makes you can do both in the classroom, garden or office space.

June 8

World Oceans Day

World Oceans day celebrates and honours the global ocean which connects us all.  Get together with your family, friends, community to start creating a better future.  Visit World Ocean Day at

June 16

World Refill Day

Refill Day was launched in 2018 by City to Sea as part of the Refill campaign with the support of Water UK. The goal? To normalise refilling and make it as easy as possible for people to find free, high-quality, drinking water on the go.  Further information and to take part visit

June 17

Clean Air Day

Clean Air Day is the UK's largest air pollution campaign. Led by Global Action Plan, Clean Air Day brings together communities, businesses, schools and the health sector.  To sign up visit

July 1 –

July 31

Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution.  You can find more details at and at

July 3

International Plastic Bag Free Day

Created by Bag Free World this global initiative aims to eliminate the use of single use plastic bags.  Plastics bags can remain int he world for many years before finally decaying completely and have a negative impact on the environment.  Look for more eco-friendly alternatives and take your reusable shopping bag out with you instead: Plastic Bag Free Day - Zero Waste Europe

For additional plastic free examples visit

July 10

Don’t Step on a Bee Day

July 10th highlights the value of bees and the good work done the nation's beekeepers.  For interesting facts about bees visit

August 5

Cycle to work Day

Cycle to Work Day is the UK's biggest commuting event which is for everyone, it doesn't matter if you haven't cycled in years or have never cycled before. It's just about giving it a go!

August 9 –

August 15

National Allotments Week

The National Allotment Society confirms the theme for 2021 will be Plotting for Future to celebrate the contribution that allotments make to a sustainable future. Visit the website to read more about the benefits of allotment gardening.

September 1 –

September 30

Organic September

The Organic September campaign is to raise awareness of the many benefits of organic food and farming which include supporting biodiversity and wildlife and helping to combat climate change.  For further benefits


September 20 -

September 26


Recycle Week

Recycle week is a celebration of recycling, organised by WRAP under the Recycle brand.  The aim of the week is to encourage everyone to recycle more.  Keep up to date on this year's theme at

September 22

World Car Free Day

World Car Free Day is an annual celebration of cities and public life, free from the noise, stress and pollution of cars. A car-free day encourages motorists to give up their cars for a day and perhaps try a different mode of transport. 

September 22 –

October 22

Seed Gathering Season

The Tree Council's Seed Gathering Season inspires everyone to gather seeds, fruits and nuts which can be nurtured to grow the trees of the future.  For advice, hints and tips visit

October 1 –

October 31

International Walk to School day

Every October is International Walk to School Month – an opportunity for children to join hundreds of thousands of pupils across the globe celebrating the walk to school and all its benefits.

October 1

World Vegetarian Day

The day brings global attention to the health and environmental benefits of vegetarianism 

October 4

No Disposable Cup Day

Launched to raise awareness of the problem caused for the environment by disposable cups. The aim is for the UK to stop using disposable cups for one day and as a nation stop using disposable cups completely.

November 1

World Vegan Day & Month

World Vegan Month is celebrated around the world as a time to recognise a vegan lifestyle.  To see how you can get involved visit

November 27 -

December 5

National Tree Week

The UK's largest annual tree celebration, marking the start of the winter tree planting season (November to March each year).  For details of online culture events and a programme of tree-related arts visit

December 5

World Soil Day

Held annually as a means to focus attention of the importance of healthy soil and advocate for the sustainable management of soil resources.  Visit About WSD | World Soil Day | Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (

Please note that the events listed are not administered or controlled by Telford & Wrekin Council and that data may change over time.  Please contact the organisation running the campaign for more details.

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