Access your free Sustainability Health Check
Monday 08 February 2021
Access your free Sustainability Health Check to solve energy, waste and environmental challenges within your business

The Energy & Bioproducts Research Institute (EBRI) at Aston University is running sustainability health checks to help companies get to grips with their sustainability goals and to solve energy, waste and environmental challenges.
They are now offering bespoke one-to-one health checks to help Shropshire companies:
- Get to grips with their sustainability goals.
- Solve energy, waste and environmental challenges.
- Use innovation to get the best out of your company resources.
- Get knowledge to enter new green markets.
Their health checks can help organisations discover ways to:
- Reuse, recycle or reduce their waste.
- Meet their customer and investor demands to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.
- Develop new, innovative, low carbon goods and services from waste.
- Link into the ever expanding green industry supply chains, such as energy-from-waste, energy systems and bioproducts.
- Enhance their energy systems.
See also
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