Litter picking in the rain....
Thursday 01 October 2020
Arthog Outreach exploring the community and making a difference

On a very dark, damp Wednesday (pre Tier 2 and lockdown restrictions) a group working towards their John Muir Award stopped by the roadside to do their best to improve a local litter 'hotspot'.
Your Safety is our priority - before taking part in any litter picking or Climate Change Champion activities please consider the following:
- Use a litter picker and gloves. Under no circumstances should you pick up any litter with your hands.
- Do not share equipment with other people.
- Keep at least 2m apart from anyone outside your household at all times.
- Climate Change Champions must not organise events or group activities of more than 6 people unless guidance changes (subject to change during increased restrictions)
- Climate Change Champions must not approach members of the public to challenge inappropriate behaviour such as non-compliant social distancing, dog fouling or littering. Ignore this behaviour and report it if necessary from a safe place either to the Council or Police.
- Non-compliant social distancing should be reported to the Police via
- Littering and dog fouling should be reported via My Telford website or by calling 01952 384384.
- Do not trespass onto private property whilst acting as a Climate Change Champion.
- Do not touch your face, eyes or mouth until you are able to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- If you feel you are unable to work or report safely or have any concerns – you don’t have to undertake the task.
- Wash your hands with soap and water as soon as you get home.
- The Climate Change Champion Risk Assessment must be read and adhered to at all times.